Williams Direct Dryers Glove Dryer selection
Williams Direct Dryers has designed and now manufactures three different styles of glove dryers each with two different capacities; a 9 pair and an 18 pair. The glove drying machine differences are predicated on the types of gloves being dried. The differences in machines concentrate on the air management system in and around the glove itself. For example, a harder shelled insulated ski glove dries very well and is supported on our standard model G18 while a softer shelled glove such as a work glove requires more hanging support with the addition of palm expanders. These added palm expanders help to prevent the wet finger portions from folding over and not drying. This soft shelled glove dryer is the Williams Direct Dryer model G18P or G9P. P standing for the addition of palm expanders.
On the fire service glove side, Williams Direct Dryers was asked to complete a glove drying study by Underwriters Laboratories for use by the committee working on the 2012 revisions of NFPA 1971: Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting using the Williams Direct Dryers model G18P as the basis for this research. What our engineering department discovered was very interesting.
The fire service glove has an integral moisture membrane that, while helping protect the fire fighter, dramatically slows drying of the glove. To solve this issue we needed to add an external air curtain and dry these gloves from both the inside and from the outside. This Williams Direct Dryer is model G9PX and G18PX.
I’ve added below our glove dryer selection protocol chart as a pdf link to help understand the differences in machines.