Is it a “Turnout Gear Dryer” or a “Hockey Gear Dryer”… apparently BOTH !!!
We just received this e-mail and photo from one of our customers. It made all of us at Williams Direct Dryers laugh so we thought we would share! The dryer in the photo is our Model WS5 Turnout Gear Dryer
“Good morning Des,
I hope things are well up by you. I have a picture for you and hope it opens some doors for you in another “arena” so to speak. First let me say we are continuing to really enjoy the use of the dryer we had purchased, but the scope of how much my crews were enjoying it was not immediately brought to my attention. You must grin with me here. I walked into my maintenance station where we have the extractor and dryer set up and what to my sleepy eyes did I find………………………… HOCKEY gear being carefully dried after an evening’s debut on the ice. I asked the member who’s gear it was how long he had been using the dryer and he said that it has become a regular thing for him and other members on the department who play hockey. I asked him if it made a difference in the way it dried and maintained the gear, he stated yes and it has saved him some replacement due to the gentle way that it works.
I just wanted to share this with you. I hope everyone is well there and best wishes for a good holiday season!
Captain Donald M. Jervis, Sr.
Staff/Line Coordinator
Township of Bloomfield Fire Department”