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DID YOU KNOW? Williams Direct Dryers, were the first globally to develop commercially available ski boot dryers. In 1989, there was a well established need in the ski industry for drying ski boots and gloves. Williams Direct Dryers took note of this and undertook the challenge. Due to WDD’s location and proximity to ski mountains, …

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In the professional hockey industry, there exists two sides. One side is where glory is gained by winning championships, and the dark side: the foul smelling odor which lingers in the locker room, gym bag and in hockey equipment. What Causes Hockey Equipment to Smell? The foul smell is caused by bacteria which feeds on …

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The duty of a firefighter is to save lives, protect property and the environment. Ultimately, they’re faced with dangerous situations due to major hazards they encounter such as: smoke, oxygen deficient atmospheres, elevated temperatures and toxic atmospheres. Specialized gear helps protect firefighters from such hazards.  A firefighter’s personal protective equipment includes the following: • Turnout …

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‘In Ian’s Boots,’ is a non-profit organization based in Pottstown, Pennsylvania providing clean boots and shoes for those who are under economic hardship. In January 2010, young Ian Joshua Miller collided into a ski lift tower while sledding, causing traumatic brain injury which lead to his untimely death. Unfortunately, he was not wearing a helmet. …

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As hockey season is upon us, hockey players are back on the ice and are striving to improve their game. The emphasis is achieving ultimate physical fitness through rigorous training and mental focus. Since hockey is both a mental and physically demanding game, they require proper care of their well-being and equipment without the …

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